What We Do

Jesus invites us to seek first His kingdom.  Through Cuirim Outreach, you can live this out.  We begin by helping you see your own kingdom.  You may not think of yourself as a king or queen but you are.  You have a realm including your possessions, relationships, abilities, preferences and much more.  In a life without Jesus, humans seek happiness, peace, and purpose by building a little realm where everything goes according to the will of the ruler.  When our cars breakdown or relationships fail, we get discouraged.  When we make new friends or discover new talents, we are elated.  When we have to mow our house's lawn (the same house we bought so happily last year) or spend time on the weekend washing clothes (the same clothes we purchased so happily last month), we can get slightly annoyed.  Jesus offers us something beyond this cycle of Kingdom expansion and maintenance.  He gave you your kingdom so you could invest what you have in furthering His Kingdom.  With Cuirim Outreach, you will discover and celebrate who God made you to be as you lose yourself in the work he has for you.  

Learn more about our work in:


Nogales, Mexico

Nogales, Mexico



Navojoa, Mexico

Navojoa, Mexico